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Different types of software

Learning Objective

We will understand about software, its two main categories and their subcategories in detail.


Welcome to the lesson about the different types of Software . By now you would be aware about what a computer is and what its hardware components are. A computer needs its hardware components, that’s right, but it is nothing without software, the machine needs both hardware and software.

A software is a set of instructions that tell a computer, or in other terms, the hardware components how to work. Both hardware and software work in unison in performing any assigned task.

We are aware about the different categories of hardware components like, input devices, output devices, CPU, connection cables, etc, which together make a Computer. In similarity, software also has different categories based on what actions they tell a computer to do.

Let us take a look at the video below, which explains what a software is and its categories.

💡 Pro tip: Please watch the complete video to answer the questions in the video.

What is Software?

As explained earlier, software is a set of programs, instructions or code that tells a computer what functions to perform and how to perform them. Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and a writer is considered as the world's first computer programmer. Why? When Charles Babbage, the father of computers, developed an Analytical Engine in 1837, which was a general purpose computer, it was Ada, who in 1843 designed an algorithm for the engine to perform applications, other than just pure mathematical calculations that the engine was formerly performing.

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Ada’s line of thought was that a computer is a machine capable of performing complex calculations by following step by step simple instructions called a program.

In earlier times, a software came along with the machine that was built to do a specific task. With the expansion of computers' ability in performing multiple tasks and need for different applications, software was then sold separately in a floppy disk, later in CDs and DVDs.

Nowadays, software is available to be downloaded through a web browser with an acquired licence.

Software is a general term that encompasses programs, scripts and applications that run on all smart devices like a computer, a mobile phone, or a tablet. Most of the softwares is developed using high level programming languages, which is then converted by a compiler or an interpreter to a low level machine readable language.

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What are two main categories of Software?

The two major groups of software are - System software and Application software. An easy way to differentiate between them is to understand their functions.

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A system software is designed to operate a computer’s hardware and its application programs. Let us imagine a computer system as a layered model. Among those layers, the hardware will be the lowermost layer and system software will be directly on top of hardware, orchestrating how each hardware component has to interact with the rest of the top layers.

An example of a system software is Operating Systems (OS) like Microsoft Windows and Mac iOS.

An application software is one which is designed to accomplish specific tasks, like browsing the web, creating a word document, watching a movie, etc

Broader classification of the two categories

Now that we know about system software and application software in detail, let's dig deeper on these two to further understand their subcategories.

The below image covers all of their sub categories.

Image source:

Here are 10 interesting facts about Software Development for you!

Let’s now dive deep into the industry aspects of Software. It isn’t sufficient to know about the types of softwares to work in a software industry. We need exposure to who makes a software, how and what factors are involved.

Be ready for the ride into the software industry. 🚀

How software is made

Firstly let’s check how a software is made through a video.

💡 Pro tip: Revision control is also called version control or source control.

Follow-up question

Q: Revision control changes can be made to source code, project assets, or any other information that goes into the finished product.

A. True

B. False

Check the solution!

A. True that, revision control changes can be made to source code, project assets, or any other information that goes into the finished product

What is software Development

Software development provides a series of steps for programmers to create computer programs. This process makes up the phases in the software development life cycle.

Understanding the software development method offers vast opportunities in the IT industry.

Follow-up question Q: What are the four types of developers discussed in the video?

Check the solution!
  1. Web developer
  2. Application developer
  3. System developer
  4. Game developer

How to become a software developer

Now, here comes a million dollar question - how do I become a Software developer? And here is an introduction to companies that hire developers align with the salary details and skills to become a software developer.

⚠️ Word of caution: It’s a lengthy video, yet worth your time!

Source: simplilearn

Now, you know all you need to become a Software developer, it’s your choice to make the decision of where you wanna be.

🤔Food for thought

Source: Flatlogic

Useful resources for you

  1. Facts about Software Development Companies:

  2. Interesting facts about software developers: