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HTML tables are created using the HTML <table> tag along with other tags that are nested inside it (such as the <tr> and <td> elements). The look and style of your tables are defined using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

The common table elements are

When creating a table in HTML, you must be careful about certain tags.

Here are the ones

<table> - Represents the table.

<tr> - Represents a table row within a table.

<td> - Represents a cell (or table data) within the table.

<th> - Represents a table header cell.

thead - Represents the block of rows that consist of the column labels (headers).

tfoot - Represents the block of rows that consist of the column summaries (footers).

Watch a video lesson on Table.

Do you know what the 21/90 Rule is?

It takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change.... Commit to your goal for 21 days, and it will become a habit. Commit to your goal for 90 days, and it will become a part of your lifestyle.

Time to Practise:

Create your daily routine using HTML Table.

Sample Output:

<image to be added>

<code editor comes here>

Moving on,

At times, you may need individuality in your HTML elements, and you would try to separate them. It could be for styling or for some other actions. Just think of it, how would you even do that?

It's using these tags.